Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Mental Side Of Losing Arm Flab

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

When trying to lose arm flab, exercise and nutrition are only part of the equation. In fact, they arent even the most important parts of the equation.

There is so much free information out there that most women know how to eat and exercise in a relatively healthy way.

The main issue that holds most women back when trying to lose arm flab, is an inability to stick with something for extended periods of time.

You see, a poor mental strategy will lead to massive undulations in motivation. And keeping a high level of motivation all the time is the key to sexy arm stardom. I grappled with this issue for a very long time. But I found a cure.

What was my saving grace? The one and only David Burns M.D. He wrote an excellent book which provided easy to use methods for optimizing thought processes. Central to his method, was the identification of major thought distortions.

So without further delay, here are some major things you need to look out for if you want lasting motivation when learning how to lose arm flab:

1. Pressurizing statements. These types of statements are like using a whip to motivate yourself. They may work initially, but over time they will become too painful and your motivation will fade. How do you avoid them? Avoid telling yourself that you "should" exercise or diet. Instead, tell yourself that you WANT to exercise or diet. The slight shift in wording will have a tremendous impact on you.

2. Labeling phrases. Never give yourself a label when messing up. Labels indicate that there is something internally wrong with you which is NOT the case. So dont call yourself a "loser" or a "slob." Instead, describe the situational circumstances that led to the hiccup so that you can prevent it from happening again.

3. Minimization. Doing this will make you feel one inch tall. You see, with minimization you assume that your "true potential" is much smaller than it actually is. Always assume that you can do something, never assume that you cant. Test your distorted assumptions with action.

If you want to lose arm flab, you have to have the right mental game plan in place. Without it, your motivation is likely to fade with time. Keeping the above in mind, will bring you one step closer to constant motivation. - 30535

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The Top 50 Albums of 2013 Expansion Pack



The Top 50 Albums of 2013 (Expansion Pack) - Chapter 1: My Super Secret Process Of Album Listening
Chapter 1:
My Super Secret Process Of Album Listening

As fascinating as this won’t be, I’ve been doing this whole “50 Albums Of The Year” thang for, like, a million years now (read: four), and I feel like I have got pretty good at it, if I do say so myself. My process of listening to and reviewing music has developed into such a streamlined ordeal, that it is a joy rather than a chore to experience (which wasn’t always the case before, believe you me you me). Which is why I feel like I am in a good position to share with you how I (in 2013) reached some sort of an apex of chewing, swallowing and spitting out as much music as any one person could possibly survive on, granting each release the attention it needed and reaching the end with a nice neat little package of the 50 best, all suited up, reviewed and ready to force feed to you like the pathetic baby bird you are. This, my friends, is my super secret process of listening to albums, in seven easy steps.

(1) I started right away, putting my ear to the musical ground the moment January hit 12:00AM. Finding music to listen to has never been a problem, and I would always discover something by paying extra attention to Metacritic, Rate Your Music, Pitchfork’s best new music (shock!), and of course, my friends’ suggestions. There were other spices in the mix too (following the twitter accounts of NME or the Guardian Music or Stereogum, for example) but what’s important is that my list of Must Listens grew faster than I could pick away from, and as discouraging as that concept is, it was imperative to shoving my mind full of tunes. And shoving, I did! My goal was to hear between 12-16 new releases a week, which isn’t too difficult when you break it down to a day-by-day-play basis.

(2) Now here is a real shiny slice of advice for you: whilst listening to each and every single one of these albums, I took notes. This was important because it meant that after each said experience, I had a little disjointed review detailing my journey. Such a process was invaluable to the eventual top 50, because when it came time to write their more detailed reviews, most of it was already there. But even above that, by taking notes on every album helps you remember what you thought, as it can be quite hard to recall how an exact song goes, but much easier to recall what you wrote down about it. Finally, to keep the important ones tickling my mind, I saved every 2013 song I loved into a Spotify playlist which I would also listen to on a daily basis, keeping my memory fresh. Oh, you want to hear that playlist? Here you go (sort by Date Added to mainly surface this year).

(3) As everyone knows, one simply cannot judge an album by one listen. That’s why I played by the “third time lucky/three strikes you out” rule, ensuring each album got three chances to convince me, all the while taking notes on each listen. Now, some may argue that this is not enough listens either, but I don’t care what people say, because I was on a mission that didn’t include them. Furthermore, while I’ll admit certain albums were thrown aside after LESS than three listens, others were listened to MORE than three times, because I could tell I was nearly there but not quite there yet. Add that up with the countless individual songs saved into the aforementioned playlist, as well as the albums which made the finals who received even more listens, and I figure I had a pretty decent grasp on the whole thing.

(4) Great, so after a few weeks I already had quite a large amount of entries. I would organise these albums by month, and then within each month, order them from best to worst. Furthermore, I would colour code them: Grey = Never Listen Again (I don’t care for it); Light Purple = Reserved (wouldn’t be too upset if it made the final list); and Dark Purple = Definite (it passed the audition and would inevitably make the final list).

(5) After a few months of utilising this method, it became obvious that the reserves meant nothing as there were more than enough Definites to meet the top 50 quota. But then, after another few months, it became obvious that I had far too many Definites too and would have to let some of them go. This is when I introduced the Red colour code = Imperative. That’s the albums we see in the main article. Now, I can’t express this enough, do not start the year with Imperatives in mind. I would only label an album Imperative a few months AFTER I had listened to it three times, because while some albums were incredible whilst I was in the middle of them, I found that after a while, I couldn’t even remember what they sounded like. You need a cooling off period to really know what an album is made of. Which is why some technically superior albums didn’t get selected for my list. It was the ones which truly impacted my mind which made the final cut, for better or worse.

(6) And then round about July, I started to panic. I had far too many albums coming in at such a rate that by the time the end of 2013 approached, I would not have enough time to listen to all of them three times. I solved this by changing my daily approach, where for every two new albums I listened to, I would make sure I listened to a further three albums for their third time. Which basically meant: for every two shoved into the system, three would get shoved out. So each day that passed, there was one less album I had to worry about, and by adding that up over the course of six months, you can see how I effortlessly rounded everything up nicely, each release still receiving the attention they deserved.

(7) That said, my list of “Must Listen To” albums still grew faster than I could keep up with, and so around October I set up a clever spreadsheet to keep track of these releases. Within said spreadsheet, I set up the formula “=SUM(A2*20+B2)/2”. A2 was any given album’s Rate Your Music score (a rating set by general users like you and me) out of 5, times by 20 to give it a percentage. This number would be added to B2, which was the same album’s Metacritic score (a rating set by professional critics) and then halving the sum of the two, once again giving us an overall percentage based on the combination of general public and qualified expert opinions. Ordering this spreadsheet in descending order provided me with all the information I needed as to which releases I had to listen to, and which ones were decidedly less important.

By using this system I managed to get through 458 albums by the end of it all, which beat last year’s 234 by a substantial amount; obliterated 2010’s pathetic 159, but still fell short of my crazy 2011 year when I listened to 580 (which was ridiculous in hindsight, and I would never even attempt something like that again for my own sanity). Regardless, 2013 proved itself to be yet another incredible year of music, and I am ecstatic over how everything all turned out.

However (and as I already mentioned in the introduction of my final product), I am allowing access to the quick “first impression” reviews I wrote for every single album I listened to this year, over here. So if you are gutted that your favourite didn’t make the cut, you can look there to find out why, and also accept my apology here: sorry.

I hope this helps you listen to more music next year, and here is some more stuff you can read in the mean time:

The Top 50 Albums of 2013 (Expansion Pack) - Chapter 2: Here, Have 50 More
Chapter 2:
Here, Have 50 More

Putting together a list like this is never without its agony, and as if murdering my own little children, I had to mercilessly hack down many worthwhile albums which narrowly missed the ladder for one reason or another. However, I will honour those fallen soldiers here, as putting together the following list was as painstaking to organise as the A-team, and took almost as long. This is very serious:

51. Gorguts - Colored Sands (I actually wrote a review for this one)
52. Touché Amoré - Is Survived By (I actually wrote a review for this one)
54. Woodkid - The Golden Age
55. The Haxan Cloak - Excavation
56. Savages - Silence Yourself
57. Juno Reactor - The Golden Sun of the Great East
58. Dawn Angeliqué Richard - Goldenheart
59. Jenny Hval - Innocence is Kinky
60. Iceage - You’re Nothing
61. Autre Ne Veut - Anxiety
62. Goldfrapp - Tales of Us
63. Melt-Banana - Fetch
64. Lorde - Pure Heroine
65. Celeste - Animale(s)
66. Danny Brown - Old
67. Autechre - Exai
68. R.A. the Rugged Man - Legends Never Die
69. Janelle Monáe - The Electric Lady
70. Oathbreaker - Eros|Anteros
71. Letherette - Letherette
72. The Field - Cupid’s Head
73. Chvrches - The Bones of What You Believe
74. The Dillinger Escape Plan - One of Us Is the Killer
75. Applescal - Dreaming In Key
76. Drake - Nothing Was the Same
77. Queens of the Stone Age - ...Like Clockwork
78. These New Puritans - Field of Reeds
79. Stara Rzeka - Cie? chmury nad ukrytym polem
80. Elton John - The Diving Board
81. Eluvium - Nightmare Ending
82. Dean Blunt - The Redeemer
83. Boards of Canada - Tomorrows Harvest
84. Vàli - Skogslandskap
85. Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP 2
86. Gary Numan - Splinter (Songs From a Broken Mind)
87. Daniel Romano - Come Cry With Me
88. Jagwar Ma - Howlin
89. Chelsea Wolfe - Pain Is Beauty
90. Foxygen - We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic
91. Haim - Days Are Gone
92. Sleigh Bells - Bitter Rivals
93. Matana Roberts - Coin Coin Chapter Two: Mississippi Moonchile
94. Ashley Monroe - Like A Rose
95. Body/Head - Coming Apart
96. Death Grips - Government Plates
97. Blue Sky Black Death - Glaciers
98. Speedy Ortiz - Major Arcana
99. The Wonder Years - The Greatest Generation
100. H.A.M Squad - Instant Classic
(I just couldnt do it!)
101. Suuns - Images du futur
102. Anna Calvi - One Breath

The Top 50 Albums of 2013 (Expansion Pack) - Chapter 3: Hall of Fame
Chapter 3:
Hall of Fame

Now that we have now finished the fourth year of the decade so far (as well as the fourth one of these articles Ive written), a few of the more superior artists have begun to rear their pretty heads, and I want to praise them lot here.
How it works is that I scoured my last articles to see which names appeared more than once. These entires included those from 2010; 2011; The 25 Albums That Narrowly Missed The 2011 list (Part 5 of this article); 2012; the near 2012 misses from the bottom of that same article; 2013; and the 2013 extra 50 above this section.
The order was calculated by adding said albums positions together (e.g: 19 + 23 = 42) then dividing it by the amount of years it featured (e.g 42/2 = 21) to give it a score. The lower the number, the better the artist. Simples!

James Blake (2011’s James Blake #01; 2013’s Overgrown #09)
The Caretaker (2011’s An Empty Bliss Beyond This World #04; 2012’s Patience (after Sebald) #15)
Deftones (2010’s Diamond Eyes #10; 2012’s Koi No Yokan #16)
Kanye West (2010’s My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy #25; 2011’s Watch The Throne (with Jay-Z) #19; 2013’s Yeezus #01)
Frank Ocean (2011’s Nostalgia, Ultra #27; 2012’s Channel Orange #03)
The National (2010’s High Violet #06; 2013’s Trouble Will Find Me #25)
St Vincent (2011’s Strange Mercy #10; 2012’s Love This Giant (with David Byrne) #27)
Crystal Castles (2010’s (II) #19; 2012’s (III) #23)
Arcade Fire (2010’s The Suburbs #09; 2013’s Reflektor #33)
The Black Keys (2010’s Brothers #23; 2011’s El Camino #21)
Die Antwoord (2010’s $O$ #04; 2012’s Ten$ion #40)
Nick Cave (2010’s Grinderman (as part of Grinderman) #22; 2013’sPush the Sky Away (as part of Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds) #28)
M.I.A (2010’s // / Y / #29; 2013’s Matangi #23)
Tame Impala (2010’s InnerSpeaker #43; 2012’s Lonerism #13)
Vampire Weekend (2010’s Contra #41; 2013’s Modern Vampires of the City #21)
The Roots (2010’s How I Got Over #32; 2011’s undun #36)
Janelle Monae (2010’s The ArchAndroid #01; 2013’s The Electric Lady #69)
El-P (2012’s Cancer For Cure #53; 2013’s Run the Jewels (as part of Run the Jewels) #18 )
Killing Joke (2010’s Absolute Dissent #28; 2012’s MMXII #47)
Anais Mitchell (2010’s Hadestown #05, 2011’s Young Man In America #76)
Jack White (2010’s Sea of Cowards (as part of Dead Weather) #46; 2012’s Blunderbuss #36)
Sleigh Bells (2010’s Treats #03; 2012’s Reign Of Terror #45; 2013’s Bitter Rivals #92)
Killer Mike (2012’s R.A.P. Music #74; 2013’s Run the Jewels (as part of Run the Jewels) #18)
Nicolas Jaar (2011’s Space Is Only Noise #50; 2013’s Psychic (as part of Darkside) #43)
Death Grips (2012’s The Money Store #06; 2013’s Government Plates #96)
Matana Roberts (2011’s COIN COIN Chapter One: Gens de couleur libres #13; 2013’s Coin Coin Chapter Two: Mississippi Moonchile #92)
Sigur Rós (2012’s Valtari #86; 2013’s Kveikur #30)
Chelsea Wolfe (2011’s Apokalypsis #32; 2013’s Pain Is Beauty #89)
Anna Calvi (2011’s Anna Calvi #28; 2013’s One Breath #103)
Eminem (2010’s Recovery #47; 2013’s The Marshall Mathers LP 2 #85)
Suuns (2011’s Zeroes QC #59; 2013’s Images du futur #101 )

The Top 50 Albums of 2013 (Expansion Pack) - Chapter 4: Unlistened to Albums on My Radar
Chapter 4:
Unlistened to Albums on My Radar

I am only one guy, but even if I was a hundred guys, I still could never listen to every album released in the year. Its impossible, try it! However, I took note of every single album which was suggested to me by one source or another, which inevitably meant there was this tragic list of left-behinds left behind. Maybe one of these albums were actually the Album Of The Year, who knows? I dont know. I cant even think like that, man, Im nearly dead as it is.

Amorphis - Circle
Armory - Empyrean Realms
Avatarium - Avatarium
Avenged Sevenfold - Hail to the King
Avril Lavigne - Avril Lavigne
Ayreon - The Theory of Everything
Bastille - Bad Blood
Birdy - Fire Within
Boy George - This Is What I Do
Britney Spears - Britney Jean
Chase & Status - Brand New Machine
Childish Gambino - Because the Internet
Crystal Antlers - Nothing Is Real
Crystal Stilts - Nature Noir
Cut Copy - Free Your Mind
Da Mafia 6ix - 6ix Commandments
Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip - Repent Replenish Repeat
Deap Vally - Sistrionix
Dennis Johnson - November (R. Andrew Lee)
Dizzee Rascal - The Fifth
DOTT - Swoon
Earthless - From the Ages
Eliza Doolittle - In Your Hands
Factory Floor - Factory Floor
Fat White Family - Champagne Holocaust
Fates Warning - Darkness in a Different Light
Fen - Dustwalker
Frankie Rose - Herein Wild
Glasser - Interiors
Hammock - Oblivion Hymns
Hopsin - Knock Madness
James Blunt - Moon Landing
John Mayer - Paradise Valley
Jonwayne - Rap Album One
Katatonia - Dethroned & Uncrowned
Katy Perry - PRISM
Las Kellies - Total Exposure
Less Than Jake - See The Light
M+A - These Days
Moby - Innocents
Morcheeba - Head Up High
Motorhead - Aftershock
Mount Eerie - Pre-Human Ideas
Night Beds - Country Sleep
Oliver Wilde - A Brief Introduction to Unnatural Light Years
Peter Brötzmann - Long Story Short
Pity Sex - Feast of Love
Portugal. The Man - Evil Friends
Progenie Terrestre Pura - U.M.A.
Qwel & Maker - Beautiful Raw
R Kelly - Black Panties
Scar the Martyr - Scar the Martyr
Sebastien Grainger - Yours To Discover
Shearwater - Fellow Travelers
Special Request - Soul Music
The Besnard Lakes - Until in Excess, Imperceptible UFO
The Child of Lov - The Child of Lov
The Internet - Feel Good
The Men - New Moon
This Routine Is Hell - Howl
Tindersticks - Across Six Leap Years
Travis - Where You Stand
Ulcerate - Vermis
Violent Soho - Hungry Ghost
William Tyler - Impossible Truth
Wooden Shjips - Back to Land

The Top 50 Albums of 2013: Beyoncé - Beyoncé
Beyoncé - Beyoncé
Contemporary R&B
December 13

And then my greatest fear happened: two days after my cut-off date, one of the most original R&B records Ive ever heard leaped out of the shadows from one of the most unlikely candidates I could have ever predicted. It was like, first Justin Timberlake, now this?? Beyoncé actually released a better album than Jay-Z this year??? I dont even know you anymore, music! Because here is an album unconcerned with hits, much more concerned with creativity, coated in unexpected tricks and unorthodox melodies, little samples from Beyoncés musical career cleverly tying the dynamic unit together, boldly moving into regions so much darker than shed ever dared to venture before. And more than anything, it owns every other female artist out this year, reinforcing her strength as a woman made from pure determination—from the unconventional business model (no promotion, no hype, exclusively released on itunes), to the imagination (each song has its own short film ffs), to the sexual freedom (which, truthfully, can get a bit cringy at times), and yet never losing her human element, surrendering frequent glimpses into the personal insecurities which come with married life and parenthood. Honestly, if this was released a month earlier, it could have been the Album Of The Year, and that is heartbreaking.

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How To Hypnotise Someone and Increase Your Sales

By Dan Johnson

"Yes momentum" technique is one of the most commonly used hypnotic techniques. This is a simple yet powerful technique to ask a person few questions related to your offer/objective, which all are lead to say "Yes" as an answer.

This tactic is know to be powerful enough to break peoples defense mechanism. This almost every time paralyze their rationality and crash their sales barriers. Let me explain how it works, assuming you are my customer.

"You love your family members, dont you?"

You must cherish their companion, right?"

"Do you wish them to be healthy always?"

"Wouldnt it be great if we offer you a FREE consultation on how to be healthy always and prevent sickness for your family members?"

Did all of your answers come out to be "Yes"? I think they did. Lets take a look at the first question. You can see that I used some words like "love" and "family" in that question. They are "emotional" words that triggered you to come up with some happy thoughts about your family.

Its very interesting to know that your rationality do get paralyzed or reduced rapidly as your emotions dominate your thoughts. This is normally what happens to most of people when they decide to buy things. They buy on emotions first then try to justify it by logic or rationality. The same thing goes to the rest of the questions that lead you to say "Yes" and brought you to so called "hypnotic state".

My last question was good enough to pre sell you and give me an opportunity to demonstrate what Ive with me when I used the word "FREE". Can you see how powerful is this tactic to guide you on how to brainwash someone?

Of course it is up to you to change this technique slightly to meet your business or personal needs. But no matter what you do with it, please use it for good and legitimate purpose only as it is a sin to misuse this type of persuasion techniques. - 30535

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The Ways To Get Ex Back In Your Arms

If youve been dumped and youre looking for ways to get your ex back then I have to say that kicking and screaming, begging and pleading is not the best of ways to get ex back.  Instead you need to make sure you closely follow what Im about to lay out for you.

Always one of the ways to get ex back involves appearing to be in control of yourself and not acting like a desperate and needy out of control victim. So, if youve been accused of being needy, then now is your chance to show them that youre far from that.

It might be too late, but if it isnt and your ex is simply talking about leaving, then as soon as they mention that theyre leaving, make sure you agree the breakup.  Sounds like the opposite to what you want, but if you let them go and you do it calmly and without drama, then your path to getting them back is going to be a lot smoother.

Once theyre gone, youre going to have to do what the experts call No Contact! That means just what it says.  The best ways to get ex back is always to make sure youre not bombarding them with text messages and calls.  If your ex has heard nothing from you since they walked out, then it doesnt make them forget you, it makes them miss and wonder what youre up to.

Getting on with your life after they have gone is a crucial method to use when youre trying to figure ways to get ex back.  Not only is this a good way to keep yourself busy, but it is also a great way to put things into perspective.  Nothing will help you with your judgment and confidence more than being in a social situation and having some fun with others, so get on with your life.

After you have given yourself some time to think and adjust, guess what, your ex has had the same amount of time to calm down and reassess their decision too.  You should have been out of contact with your ex for at least a month before you decide the time is right to make contact with them.

Phone them up and have a very short and casual conversation with them.  Ask for a meeting somewhere neutral, but dont make it sound like a big heavy deal. Remember you are trying to find ways to get ex back, so no emotional manipulation.

At the meeting explain youve had time to think and you would like to apologize for any mistakes youve made.  Tell your ex your feelings for them havent changed and you would like another chance.  Always give your ex space to say what they think and how they feel, and listen carefully and sincerely to what they have to say.

Once youve said your peace, tell your ex that youre going to give them time to think things through and then leave.
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Surviving A Break Up There Is Hope

Are you in the process of surviving a break up?  It may seem like there is no hope.  But, really there is.
First of all, you have to decide whether the relationship is really over or whether it’s just a temporary situation.  Some people find that their coupledom becomes even stronger after a hiatus.
But other times, you know that it is over and you need to go about mourning the relationship.  Your ex was probably the person who you were closest to in the whole world.  Now, you need to find people and activities to replace him or her.
Sometimes you can turn to friends and family members to discuss the situation.  If they are sympathetic and allow you to do the talking that you need to do, this is an optimal situation.
Unfortunately, most people are consumed with their own situations.  They have little patience for dealing with other people’s problems and concerns.  While they may listen for the first couple of days, their basic tenet will be “get over it.”
If this is the case, you may want to consider going to a counselor.  A therapist will help you work through the issues that caused your relationship to dissolve.  Many people have found that a counselor is the best person to help you in surviving a break up.
At some point, you have to start to move on.  One of the best ways to do this is to exchange all of the personal items you have with your ex.  Most of the time, this means clothes, but there are other items which you keep at each other’s homes.
If there are things like toothbrushes that don’t merit an exchange, throw them away.  If you have personal gifts that you don’t want to give back, box them up and put them away for the time being.  You don’t want to have anything that reminds you of your ex lying around the house for the time being.
Then, start focusing on how you can improve yourself.  Because you were part of a couple for so long, you referenced yourself as “we.”  Now, it is all about “me.”  And, that’s not a bad place to be in.
You can now do the things you want.  She didn’t like gambling?  You can now go to the guys’ poker night.  He didn’t like chick flicks?  Rent all the movies you missed.
And, start doing a self improvement campaign.  Go work out.  Take some classes.  Join a hiking group. 
Start to meet new people, particularly people who can be friends not lovers.  These people will provide a valuable network for you now and in the future.
Finally, at some point, you have to put yourself back on the market again.  Go to single’s events or check out online dating sites.  When you find someone new who you really like, you know you will be finally over your ex.
And that’s how to go about surviving a break up.
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How to stop thinking about your ex

From Stop Thinking About Your Ex:

The dust has settled, the tears have dried (sort of!), and its been a few weeks since you and your partner ended your relationship.

Life should be getting back to normal, but no matter how hard you try you cant stop thinking about your ex.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, there they are at the back of your mind. Taunting you with happy memories of time spent together. Reminding you of all the good times, and constantly replaying the moment you went your separate ways like a broken record.

You know you cant carry on this way, but how are you going to shake these feelings?

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What Can Save Marriage When Everything Seems Hopeless

What can save marriage when everything seems hopeless? 
Marriage is considered a sacred institution by most of the world’s religions.  It is the foundation of the family, which, in turn, is the foundation for society.  So, there is a lot of emphasis on saving a marriage.
But that doesn’t mean that marriages today don’t run into trouble.  The changing roles of men ad women, financial pressures, and difficulties with children all make it hard to make marriages work.
So who do you turn to?
Perhaps the best place to look is the institution that values marriage more than any other – the church.
While a clinical psychologist or licensed family therapist will take an individualistic approach to marriage counseling, a pastor will focus on making the marriage work in a wholistic sense.  Over all, this has a better chance of actually saving the marriage.
Why is a pastoral counselor better than a secular therapist? 
A secular therapist’s education focuses almost entirely on treating individual psychopathologies.  Even “Marriage and Family” designated counselors may have only one class or elective dealing specifically with couple’s therapy.  Do you think this approach can save marriage?
A pastoral counselor, on the other hand, will be educated in how to bring couples closer together.  With the exception of abuse in the relationship, they have the fundamental belief that once the vows are taken, the marriage is forever.
Some pastoral counselors have formal education in counseling.  More and more seminaries are offering pastoral counseling degrees.  But even ministers without a formal degree take classes and seminars in the subject.
If you don’t have a church home, you might have some difficulty finding a pastor to help you.  And, you don’t have six months to establish membership in a church before approaching the pastor.
In this case, you can call various churches and ask them if they have any upcoming couples retreats where you can save marriage through these weekend seminars.  Once you have established a relationship with a skilled pastor in these settings, you may be able to do follow up counselor with the same person.
A good couple’s retreat will help you deal with many different types of issues.  There will be group sessions and couple’s sessions.  You will also have time to work on questions individually.
Communication is a big issue at these conferences.  If you can work on your communications issues, you will find that the other pieces of the relationship fall into place.
Sex, finances, and child raising are also addressed.  The goal is to get you back on track in every aspect of your relationship.  You don’t have to be on the same page going in, but the hope is that you will be when you leave. 
Marriage is tough.  Sometimes it seems like the relationship cannot endure.  But, there are so many reasons to see if you can’t make it work.  In this case, consider seeing if a pastor can save marriage.
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Seven Techniques To Beat Anxiety

By Tom Binns

Anxiety is now a very common problem. There are many causes and reasons, and it can be a serious problem that affects the standard of our lives. People of all ages and nationalities can suffer with it. If you feel like you are one of these people then you only have two options. You can either let the anxiety take over your life leading to nonstop stress and worry or you can take steps to overcome it and get control back. There are seven useful tips that can help you to beat the problem -

1. At all times try to control your mind and thoughts. It may be easy to let negativity rise but it is also easy to think about the positive aspects of your situation and life.

2. Try to stop yourself from having quick emotional reactions to situations. Learn to stay calm, composed, and practice self-discipline.

3. Do not to go to bed unless you are actually tired and will go to sleep. It is often the case that when we are lying in our beds our minds wander and then there is no outside stimulation to bring us back.

4. When you wake up, say to yourself that it is going to be a great day. Simply by having a positive frame of mind, good things can happen to you.

5. Keep yourself busy throughout the day. Usually we become anxious when we are idle. Start and end the day with activities that you enjoy doing. Also, even carrying out household chores can keep your mind off worrying. Usually when we are watching TV or browsing the net our minds do not wander so much.

6. It is always beneficial to talk through your problems with a friend or family member. They will be able to see the situation from a different perspective and can give you support and comfort.

7. If there is an activity that you have always wanted to do, but never been able, then create a plan that works towards it. - 30535

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How to evict ex girlfriend

Q: I unwisely moved in with my now ex-boyfriend. I am not on the lease, although I have been contributing to rent and bills. The relationship has soured and now he has told me that he wants me out in three days. Can he do this? Do I have any legal recourse? –Miko W.

A: There’s a practical answer to your question, and a legal one. Both are rather unsatisfactory, unfortunately. Let’s look at the law first.

Technically speaking, you are either a co-tenant with your ex, or a subtenant of your ex. You may be a co-tenant if the landlord knew and accepted your living there, regardless of the fact that you have not been formally added to the lease (that is, in spite of your not having signed the lease).

That you did not directly pay rent to the landlord may not matter at all; it’s your "open and accepted" presence on the property as a resident that may give you co-tenant status.

If you’re legally a co-tenant, your ex cannot terminate your tenancy or take legal steps to remove you if you refuse to go. Only landlords can take these steps. Miserable co-tenants can continue to cohabitate indefinitely, each refusing to leave. It’s not a pretty picture.

On the other hand, you may be a subtenant, someone who rents from the tenant (your ex). If this is the case, your ex does indeed have the legal ability to terminate and evict, if you refuse to go.

You’d need to understand how your state defines co-tenants and subtenants to know where you fall. That would probably involve a trip to a lawyer … the last thing you need. Then again, if your ex really thinks that he can enforce a demand that you leave by evicting you, he too will have to get involved with the law (file an eviction lawsuit). 

Whether you’re a co-tenant or a subtenant, if he tries to oust you by indirect means (like locking you out or throwing your things out on the street), he faces big liability for a "self-help eviction," a costly mistake in practically every state.

Your options are really more in the practical realm of things. If you need time to move, consider yourself either a co-tenant or a subtenant, and explain to your ex that, in any case, he cannot get rid of you short of an eviction lawsuit.

And presumably he’s not eager to be hit with a lawsuit. Assure him that demanding that you leave in three days is not reasonable, but that you’ll move at the earliest opportunity.

Q: We have a "no pets" policy at our property, and many of our residents have let us know that they value this policy and chose to live here, in part, because of it. A new resident has asked to add a roommate, whom we approved; then we learned that the new tenant has a companion animal that she says she may keep because she’s disabled.

We’re assuming that she’s legit and that the dog is necessary, but we’re concerned about our other tenants. Now that there’s a dog on the property, will they have grounds to break their leases and move? –Jon C.

A: If your new resident is a person with a disability — someone who has, has a history of, or is regarded as having a physical or mental disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities — you must follow the federal Fair Housing Amendments Act. 

That means, among many other things, changing your rental policies if doing so is necessary to allow that person to live safely and comfortably on your property. A no-pets rule must bend to the request of a person with a disability if that person needs a service or companion animal.

The need for such an animal may be established by a letter from an attending professional, such as a doctor, or from other credible professional sources.

But although you, as the property owner, are subject to the fair housing rules, your other tenants generally are not. In this case, your tenants have a legal right to expect that you’ll maintain a pet-free property — that promise is in the lease, and you know that it played a substantial part in the tenants’ decision to rent from you.

That you are legally required to modify that policy when faced with a legitimate request by a person with a disability does not mean that your other residents must adjust their right, which you gave them in the lease, to live in a pet-free building. 

In other words, you’re not following through with an important rental promise, and that you are legally required to deviate from it will not stop your other renters from the legal remedies they may have — which includes moving out.

But before you begin anticipating large-scale move-outs, consider a reality check. You’re not exactly hosting a pack of wild dogs; in fact, a companion animal that is properly trained will probably be well-behaved. You are on solid ground to insist that your new tenant clean up after the dog, give it regular and appropriate exercise, always keep the dog on a leash, and so on. 

If reasonable rules like this are broken — and certainly if the dog poses a threat to others or substantially disrupts the peace and quiet of your property by nonstop barking — you’d be within your rights to question your obligation to allow the animal to be on the property. 

Although the Fair Housing Amendments Act gives persons with a disability broad rights to keep service or companion animals, these rights are not absolute. Depending on the circumstances, they may have to bend to your legitimate concern that an animal not severely disrupt the ability of others to live in peace, let alone place other tenants at risk.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Anxiety Counseling How to Accomplish Managing Tactics

By Susan Kahn

Human beings who experience events with anxiety may be considerably distrustful of feeling the onset of agitated or irritable feelings and senses. Problems with too much tension and panic can often influence the activities of the regular life causing disruption in the workplace, between companionship and here and there else.

A large number of humans who combat with terror and related rational constitution issues understand that theyd likely be more personally triumphant in the nonattendance of similar emotions and feelings. Hence, many go with therapeutic treatments.

Anxiety therapy in most cases helps realize why the affected seem anxious and help build tactics for overcoming related affairs, both in conditions of commonly faced panic fits and throughout more easy space.

People can be subject to fits of terror either because they have experienced abominable or aggressive situations or because they were exposed to same sort of behavioral patterns exhibited by their family groups who mean something to the affected. There are a myriad of arguments why a person may face signs of terror, but most start to have similar results.

Difficulty in contemplating intelligently, becoming highly anxious about some events or issues, and creating physical signs such as lack of oxygen, headaches, and a racing pulse might all be serious symptoms. Counseling helps you answer several related issues and will let you overcome them with time.

Humans who suffer from attacks of distress in their office or elsewhere might face same kind of feelings that flood therapy clients with distress. The fits of terror might become more destructive if they occur in public other than in the privacy of the clients house.

Knowing how to relax oneself and prevent anxiety attacks is a worthwhile skill to have, and treatment at several times aims in part on aiding prospects get to this goal. Bouts of distress and other such connected emotions may be dodged by taking part in a specific kind of brain work process or by exercising in a constructive way.

Counseling prospects might be directed how to ponder or take soothing time outs to aid get rid off over-active anxiousness. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, the actual approach is frequently custom made for each client. In whatever ways a counseling client acquires favorable outcome over their distressful signs, they are inadvertently more empowering and have a calming experience while carrying out their lives. - 30535

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To Win Ex Boyfriend Back You Might Need To Work On Yourself

So youve just heard through friends that your ex boyfriend, who youve never really got over, is dating someone else and hearing it cuts deep.  Your first thought is that you must get your ex back before he gets too serious with this other girl.

Well take it easy and dont go rushing head long into this, what you have on your side that the current girlfriend does not have is history!  In your effort to win ex boyfriend back remember, history can sometimes over ride everything else and take precedence. 

Now think about that history, those good times with your ex boyfriend. How good were they really, because clearly something went terribly wrong.  With time we often slide on the old rose colored spectacles.  So be sure that your memories are grounded in reality and not fantasy. 

If youre not sure, before you go full on trying to win ex boyfriend back, ask a good friend who will tell you the truth and not only what you want to hear. Weigh up what your friend says and what you honestly know and feel and then make your decision about what you want to do.

If what you discover is that certain aspects of your behavior were primarily to blame for the break down in your ex relationship, then you need to find ways of amending  that behavior.  Theres no point in trying to get back together with your ex if the reason he left you is still staring you both in the face.  So deal with what needs to be dealt with on your part before you make any real attempt at reconciliation. 

Assuming that you decide to go ahead and try and get your ex back, you then need to make contact with him.  Call him and ask if you can meet up with him somewhere neutral.  Dont let it sound as though you are going to drop anything too heavy on him because you dont want to frighten him off at this point.

To win ex boyfriend back make sure that when you meet him, you explain to him that you have thought long and hard about what happened in your relationship. You have done some work and sorted yourself out and you have found that you still have really strong feelings for him.  Tell him youd like another chance.

Give him the space to explain how he feels and what he wants.  Dont get emotional or angry if you dont hear what you want to hear.  If you need to give him time to think things over, then do that.  Dont rush him, just leave and wait for him to call you.  With any luck, youll get the call you want and youll be back together.
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How to be friends with an ex girlfriend

When you break up with a girl or she breaks up with you, you may not feel ready to break off communication with her. You may get along great, but dont do well in a relationship together. Many men have found it possible to be friends with an ex-girlfriend; heres how you can, too.


·        Evaluate your feelings. If youre going to be friends with an ex, you have to consider how you feel about her. If you still love or have romantic feelings for her, friendship probably wont work. You may not be able to see her dating someone else without feeling jealous.

·        See how your current girlfriend feels about it. Before embarking on a friendship with an ex-girlfriend, take a step back and think about how any current or future girlfriends may feel about the situation. If you think it may make them feel insecure or jealous, you may want to avoid it.

·        Keep the past out of it. If youre going to be friends with her, youll have to let go of any bad feelings you have about the relationship or breakup. You probably should keep conversations in neutral territory and avoid reminiscing about when the two of you dated.

·        Read a relationship advice book. The book "Sex With Your Ex" by Yvonne Fulbright can give you the dos and donts of having a healthy post-breakup relationship with your ex-girlfriend (see Resources below).

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How to get ex girlfriend jealous

Letting out the green eyed monster is one of the proven techniques that will make your ex girlfriend jealous enough to want you back. Its all about creating the need and making her see that no one is indispensable. Here is what you need to do to get your ex girlfriend jealous.

Put the break up behind you - FAST
If you want to make her sit up and take notice then you have to put your break up behind you really fast. She expects you to be sad and depressed and when you dont do any of that she gets angry because shes not making any impact on you after leaving you. Its the ego that takes a hit here.

Be seen as a positive person
Dont go around like a love sick puppy. How will that help you to get her jealous? Instead look happy and be a positive person. In fact be more positive than you were ever before and your ex will begin to get jealous of you.

Start looking better than you did
When your ex dumps you she is again expecting you to let go of the way you look and be forlorn all the time. Dont give her that pleasure. Instead focus on all the things that you feel you can change about your looks and start to look even better than you did. Get Internet #1 - How To Make Your Ex Girlfriend Jealous And Want You Back @ and get your ex back right now!

Get back into the dating circuit
If you really want to get her goat then get back into the dating circuit pronto. She will go mad with jealousy when she sees you with other girls. The fact that you are moving on so fast and so easily is going to drive her nuts.

Dont even try to contact her
Dont bother to contact her after you have broken up. There is no need to be extra nice and worry about her feelings at the moment. You need to keep your focus on getting her jealous.

Look through her
You need to take your dates to places where you can expect to bump into her. When you see her there all you need to do is just ignore her. Look right through her and give your date all the attentions she wants.

Dont fawn over her at all
After a couple of rounds of ignoring her, your ex will walk up to you to speak to you. Now dont go and fawn over her as she will then see the game you were playing. Be civil and cordial with her. Let her initiate the moves and you play along. Be a little hard to get so that she never takes you for granted again. Get Internet #1 - How To Make Your Ex Girlfriend Jealous And Want You Back @ and get your ex back right now!

# # #

Can’t get over your ex? Regret what you have done?
Get Internet #1 - How To Make Your Ex Girlfriend Jealous And Want You Back @ and get your ex back right now!
--- End ---
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Reasons for breaking up

Ive begun doing some online research on the reasons why couples break up. Mostly Im interested in whether certain techniques for getting back together work best for particular break-up reasons.

For example, what if make-up sex is the best way to get your ex back, if you were dumped because you cheated? Im not saying thats the case; Im just wondering if something like that is true.

To be honest, thats a really bad example. Having an affair would require a pretty detailed plan for getting back together -- certainly not something simplistic like make-up sex, or making your ex jealous, or reverse psychology.

But I could totally believe that make-up sex is a good technique to try, if you got dumped after a big fight. Id buy that.

Ill see where my research leads. The great thing about the internet, with all its blogs and forums with real people talking about real life, is that if you study it well enough you can find patterns for success and failure. No matter what problem youre trying to solve.
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Need to fix procrastination problems before getting back together

I have to say, I recognize a bit of my own relationship in the one described below. Me -- the procrastinator. Except, anger aimed at me doesnt bother me too much. I can ignore it.

Still, the scenario below struck me as one that could become the reason why a couple breaks up. I can imagine "Paul" leaving because he cant deal with her anger, or "Andrea" leaving because shes tired of Paul letting her down.

And the author makes a great point -- if they dont figure out how to deal with these traits in themselves, theyre just going to shift their problems onto their next relationships.

They might as well learn to understand their problem, and solve it, and stay together.

So, whats relevant here for someone trying to get an ex back? Well, if you and your ex broke up for a reason similar to this, then this article will get you thinking about how to solve the problem, so you can get back together.

Control And Resistance - The Relationship Gremlins

Author: Margaret Paul, Ph.d.

"Im so sick and tired of Andreas anger and bossiness that Im about ready to leave this relationship," said Paul in our phone counseling session. "Everything has to be her way. Why cant she just keep her mouth shut? She is ruining this relationship. I hate her judgmentally. Every time she does this it casts a black cloud over our relationship and I end up feeling awful."

Paul and Andrea were in one of their typical power struggles. Paul tended to operate as an adolescent regarding household chores. If something needed to be done, he would say he would do it and then procrastinate to the point where Andrea would blow up. Then he would blame Andrea for her anger rather than take any responsibility for his resistance.

"Paul, how did you react when Andrea got angry and judgmental?"

"I got angry and tried to explain to her why I hadnt fixed the curtain rod yet. But she wouldnt listen to me so then I withdrew."

"So Andrea is trying to control you with her anger and you are trying to control her with your explanations and withdrawal. And you are very determined to resist being controlled by her. So, do you want to complain to me about Andrea and blame your feelings on her anger, or do you want to understand your end of this system and learn about what you can do differently?"

"I just want her to stop being angry."

"Paul, you have been trying to have control over Andreas anger for the whole five years of your relationship. Is it working?"

"No. But why cant she just stop?"

"Well, why cant you just stop resisting and become responsible in the household and responsible for your own feelings instead of being a victim of Andrea?"

"Oh. I see what you mean. She must be as unconscious of what she is doing as I am of what I am doing."

"Right. The two of you learned very early in life to try to control and resist being controlled, and these old patterns are governing your relationship. But what is the point of leaving? You will each take your patterns with you and you will each end up in similar relationships, as you have in the past. So why not recognize that you are not a victim and address your issues?"

"Okay. So what do you see as my issues?"

"I see two major issues. I know that household things, such as the broken curtain rod, dont bother you, but they do bother Andrea. You put her in a bind, because when she says she will hire someone to fix the things that need fixing, you get upset and tell her you will do it and then you dont. So one major issue is that it is more important to you to resist being controlled than to be a caring person to yourself and to her. I am not excusing Andreas anger and judgmentally - that is her end of the system. But you have not accepted that you have no control over her anger. This is the other major issue for you - your lack of acceptance over your lack of control over her. She tries to control you and you resist while trying to control her.

"If you really want things to change, then the only control you have is over changing you, not over her changing. When you are ready to make caring about yourself and her more important than resisting, then things may change."

This is a huge challenge for a person who has been in resistance his whole life. Once Paul stops blaming Andrea, then he can do the deep work of healing his resistance.

About the Author:Margaret Paul, Ph.D. best-selling author of eight books, and co- creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process. Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: Phone sessions available.

Article Source: - Control And Resistance - The Relationship Gremlins
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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Some Things I Ve Learned From Women Who Ve Dumped Me Learning How To Rekindle Love

People are in a tough spot with their loved one and are trying to rekindle love in the relationship in order to prevent the relationship from falling apart can likely benefit from some things I ve learned from women who ve dumped me.
This is because I have "been there, done that" when it comes to relationships, and I have learned a lot about how to keep a relationship going, or even more importantly in some situations, how to know when the relationship really is coming to an end.
Here are some of the things I ve learned from women who ve dumped me, and how you can use them to your advantage to win back love.
1 - One of the biggest things I ve learned from women who ve dumped me is that sometimes women break up relationships with every intention of rekindling things later, but they break the relationship up to create some much needed space for a period of time.
In other words, just because she broke up with you, that does not mean that its all over. Just give her some time and some space and everything will probably be alright again in no time.
2 - Another one of the things I ve learned from women who ve dumped me is that often women will break up a relationship simply because they think you are going to break up with them, and are trying to beat you to the punch. You can counteract this by being honest about your feelings and intentions to calm down her need to end things first.
It is normal for people to want to have the last word in an argument, and being the one initiating the break up is an example of this. Let her know that you dont want to break things up and you may just be able to keep the relationship from falling apart.
3 - One of the final things I ve learned from women who ve dumped me that you should keep in mind is that if you work hard enough to rekindle things, you can make a relationship work. A breakup does not have to mean that the relationship is over forever, it simply means that the relationship needs some time and that both parties require some time apart. You do not have to give up on the relationship or the love behind it just because a hiatus is needed.
Stay strong if you find yourself having relationship problems, and know that every break up comes with life lessons that you can take with you in order to help you with future relationship problems, regardless of what life throws at you.
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What Are The Emotional Stages Of A Relationship Breakup

The emotional roller coaster of a painful breakup generally affects both parties in similar ways.  The intensity may be different for the person who wanted the breakup than for the dumpee, but both people will go through the emotional stages of a relationship breakup.
Knowing and recognizing the different steps for what they are can help you move through the process a little easier.  Each stage is necessary so you can heal and be whole and able to find love again some day.  Dont try to shrotcut the steps, just remember that after youve gone through each stepyou will be on the road to feeling better.
There is no time limit for how long each step should take to get through. How long it takes will depend on a lot of things such as how secure you are in  yourself and what type of a support system you have.
Here are the 5 major steps in a relationship breakup:
1) Pain.  This will often hit hard and fast.  At first the pain can be diminished somewhat by a feeling of disbelief but once that passes the pain can seem unbearable.  This is a physical pain.  You might not be able to eat or sleep.  Everything seems like too much effort. You just want to crawl into a corner and be left alone.
2) Denial.  This is the step when you start thinking that it is all a big mistake and surely your ex will realize it very soon and the two of you will be back together.  That can be a dangerous way to think.  It is important that you try to move through this stage as quickly as possible.  Lingering too long in this stage can really make it harder to heal and move on.
3) Anger.  This is when all your fear and hurt turns to anger.  You are outraged that someone who claimed to love you could hurt you so deeply.  This stage is very destructive and hurtful to both parties and if youre not careful how you handle this stage you migh sabotage any chances you have of getting back together. 
Its also important to make sure you dont become overly bitter.  If you let that bitterness grow too strong it could follow you into other relationships making it harder to ever having a fulfilling relationship again.
4) Grieving.  At this stage you will mourn your lost relationship.  You will often spend a lot of time reminiscing about all the good times the two of you had shared.  It is very important to keep a close watch on your mental health during this stage.
 If you ever feel like ending it all make sure you seek help immediately.  It is impossible to believe while going through this but you really will love again, if you allow yourself to.
5) Acceptance.  You will finally reach a point where you realize its over.  You are stronger and better able to start thinking more about your future and less about your past. This time can be bittersweet: youve realized and dealt with the fact that your relationship is over which is sad, but youre also excited about new opportunities and convinced you will find love again.
The more you know about the  emotional stages of a relationship breakup
and how to deal with them the easier and quicker you can move on from living in the past to a bright new future.  Just make sure you understand that this is all normal and it will get better, just hang in there.
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Should I wish my ex a happy birthday

Here is an excerpt from a new article on

Do I wish my ex a happy birthday, or not? Good question. I think the answer has to be based on the answer to a second question which you need to ask yourself: "Does my ex hate me?"

You probably have a pretty good idea of how your ex feels about you. If, when youre honest with yourself, you have to admit your ex hates you, then the answer is no, you should not wish your ex a happy birthday. In fact, you shouldnt communicate with your ex at all, until you have reason to think those hateful feelings have changed. Saying happy birthday to an ex who hates you and doesnt want to hear from you is not a way to accomplish getting back together, if thats what youre after.

Read the full text here, about whether or not you should wish your ex happy birthday: Should I wish my ex a happy birthday?
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SEO Analysis of Websites for Perfect Web Traffic Generation

starting SEO analysis of a website, first have information about the
exact theme of the site. The theme of the website is of paramount
importance as it helps in deciding upon the right keyword phrases
choice. It also determines how would you market your website on
internet and social networking sites, decide on who the target
audience is and the way you can use these resources for better
profits. Before carrying out the SEO analysis understand the website
theme and the content consistency. In other words the content should
complement the exact theme just like the website design.

website targets certain set of keywords/phrases for search engine
optimization. Many times the website owners dont have exact
idea as to which keywords to target as a result they end up focusing
on single keywords leading to poor SEO ranking. Single keywords might
be useful in general theme in search engines but they cant lead to
higher ROI and ranking too. Let the SEO expert know which
keywords you wish to target so that they can make the list likewise.

next step in SEO analysis is, the SEO expert analyzes the website and
sees where website owner has used the targeted keyphrases in the
site. They go through the site content and title of the links. These
are the initial parts that are analyzed after that more complicated
elements come like- URL keywords, file names, headlines, HTML tags,
etc. The primary question of concern is how many keywords or
phrases to target in a single web page. Usually the number is
restricted to one main and two secondary keywords if you want to
create content that is liked by maximum visitors. See to it that the
metatag description, title and text have similar main keywords in
order to prepare strong base of the web page.

analysis also targets other elements like metatag descriptions, the
way pages are indexed, incoming links, usage of HTML tags and unique
titles. The main purpose of such analysis is to determine present
website status in search engines and develop an effective SEO

It also gives
perfect guidance as to which areas of search engine optimization of
your website needs more attention and concentration. You would
get insight into the target market, customers, market position, goals
and ways to improve it. Basically SEO analysis comprises of lots of
factors revolving around your website so that you get to know which
areas need more attention.

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How To Treat Depression

By Barry Barker

The natural ways to treat depression are much for less than prescription drugs and are also considered to be efficient. These include practice, meditation, sleep, NLP and hypnosis in addition as having a balanced diet.

When it comes to natural supplements, the herb St. Johns wort is similarly considered efficient at managing sensations or changes of depression. Passion Flower is yet another remedy that helps dispel depressed feelings and supports a positive mental behavior.

Depression is a medical condition that needs to be treated. It is not a sign of weakness and ought not be looked at a womans illness.

Men can experience a loss of sexual drive and this only adds to their sensations of worthlessness. They see this as a failure and an indication of their manhood. This could not be any farther from the truth. It is a medical condition that is caused from their depression.

What causes depression is a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium of serotonin, a hormone, in the brain. It has been linked as a major contributor and a cause for an individual deciding to kill themselves.

Exercise is one of the good ways to treat depression because it acts as a mood booster and is believed to be better than prescription medications in preventing the recurrence of mild to moderate depression.

Yoga and acupuncture are also numerous of the other alternative ways to treat depression. Yoga assists alleviate the sensations or changes of depression because it quiets the mind and gets you into focus. The old practice of acupuncture then again, doesnt only restore your bodys emotional balance but similarly lessens the physical ache affiliated with depression.

Ive battled with depression over the years and depression is a major bummer. You see, I remember thinking I was just sad when it comes to everything and I didnt want to get out of bed. I didnt want to go to work. I did not want to deal with anybody and I just wanted humans to leave me alone. - 30535

About the Author:

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Fear of commitment

(by Dan K. Jenkins)

Today I was writing about fear of commitment. I was trying to pull together thoughts on How to get your ex boyfriend back, and deal with his fear of commitment, but I didnt like the way it was going.

The more I thought about it, the harder it seemed. I kept thinking... if you want your ex to come back to you, and make a commitment, but hes been showing you all along that he doesnt want that, and in the end he broke up with you for that reason... then is getting your ex boyfriend back the best course of action?

I wrote this much on why your ex might not want to commit to a serious relationship with you:
  1. He doesnt need to commit in order to get the things he wants. Maybe all he wants is a girl on his arm when hes out in public, to validate his manliness and uphold his reputation.

    Maybe all he wants is a steady source of sex. Maybe all he wants is someone to do things for him, and at the same time make him feel like hes needed.

    If this is all he wants, he can get it without committing to you. There are other women who will do these things. And if he was beginning to feel like commitment was the price hed have to pay to keep you, its understandable that the pressure prompted him to break up with you.

  2. He needs his own space. He needs a place he can call his own, where he can be sure he wont be interrupted -- by you or anyone else uninvited.

    Notice how there are so many tv shows these days, about "man space" or "man caves"? Notice how, on real estate shows, guys are always trying to find a house with a room that will be theirs alone, away from the family?

    Good or bad, its become accepted that men need to have a place to escape. If you and your ex shared a small living space where you were always within earshot of each other, and he never had many opportunities to be home alone, this was part of why he broke up with you.

  3. He cant stand the idea that hell only have one sex partner for the foreseeable future. He knows that committing to you means promising to be faithful for a long, long time. He doesnt want to commit to you and then be unfaithful -- he likes you to much to do that to you -- and so he doesnt want to commit at all.

    Unfortunately, time is the only sure cure for this problem. By the time men reach their mid-30s, they adjust. Having a "sure thing" becomes more important than having variety. This is why so many guys arent able to commit until they are older.

    If you can maintain a high level of sexual excitement with him, you may be able to keep him from wanting other women. Its not a sure cure, but it works in some relationships so its worth a try.

  4. Hes afraid hell find someone better than you. Maybe he loves you plenty, but hes afraid hell commit to you and then later meet someone hed rather have instead -- someone more successful or talented or better looking, who would gain him more respect from his peers.

    This is another problem that only time will cure. As he gets older, hell discover that all women have a lot of common, and most of them, like you, make excellent mates. All you can do is be the best woman you can be. Do this for yourself, not for him.

  5. He needs his independence. He needs time away from you. If you were together from the time you got off work until morning, and all day on weekends, he couldnt handle that. And if, whenever you were apart, you let him know you wished you were together, this would have frightened him.

    This is the opposite of needing his own space for hibernation. Needing independence means he needs to be out and about, doing whatever he wants.

    If you and your ex went everywhere together, and he didnt have many opportunities to go out without you, this was a factor in your breakup.

None of that is really what youd call advice. Ill throw it out here in case it help somebody someday, but the only true "advice" I have is this:

If your ex boyfriend broke up with you because you pressured him too hard to commit, then in order to get him back youre going to have to give up on the commitment requirement.

Youll need to get him back by convincing him you dont want commitment any more. Keep in mind the points listed above, as you do this. Convince him he can keep his independence, for example.

After you get your ex boyfriend back, be patient -- maybe for a long time. Then, without being too clingy, bring up the subject of a permanent relationship again.
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A Complete Reference Guide to Manage PPC Campaigns


Pay Per Click or PPC marketing is a highly focused and cost-effective way to drive targeted traffic to a business website. This method is adopted by many companies offering PPC services in Northern Ireland as it not only offers instant qualified leads from the advertising but also brings results that can be tracked and measured.

Pay Per Click lets the business present its product directly to the people who are actively looking for it and are ready to "buy" and helps the business increase its visibility in an economical manner when organized in the right way.

Leveraging Pay Per Click advertising along with SEO and professional Web design in Belfast can help businesses maximize their return on investment in Pay Per Click ads that convert. The process involves researching and making a keywords list, creating ads and focused landing pages, managing the bids and monitoring them for optimum performance.

How does PPC work?
PPC advertising is a unique method where advertisers pay only when someone clicks their ad and lands on their website. This is called "cost per click". This is a highly targeted model as the ads are displayed in search results that relate to the keywords used. It means that people who are specifically looking for the business’ products and services.

There are two advertising models offered by PPC services in Northern Ireland across the major search engines:

# Search network where the Pay Per Click ads appear in the search engine results as "Sponsored Links" on top of the organic search listings and on the sidebar
# Content network where the ads relevant to the sites keywords and content appear on websites that have signed up for this

Managing the campaign efficiently involves the following steps:

Keyword selection
Keyword research, analysis and selection is the first critical step as these are the words users will type into the search engine to find the product, service or information. The search engine matches the users search key phrase to bring up the best results. The business must maintain an ongoing list of keywords to target so that it can find out which ones convert the most.

Creating targeted PPC ads
After determining the most relevant keywords, the next step is creating ads that convert. PPC services in Northern Ireland recommend composing different variations of ads and building landing pages focused on keywords. This is followed by continuous testing to optimize the ones that result in sales. These ads can be geo-targeted to a specific location.

This is an important aspect of PPC advertising where the goal is to get the maximum leads at the least expense. Bids must be optimized based on keyword performance constantly to monitor the ROI and ensure the best results.

One of the biggest advantages of Pay Per Click advertising is its ability to be monitored and measured and analyzed. This makes it possible to sift through the keywords, drop the non-performers and focus on the ones that bring results. The campaign can be constantly improved.

The beauty of PPC services in Northern Ireland is its suitability for businesses of all sizes. Implementing a successful campaign requires a good understanding of the client, its market and the keywords being used in search. It is vital to remember that good website design in Belfast Pay Per Click campaigns, especially for the landing pages plays a significant role in keyword conversion.

WSI Digital Web provides web design services in Belfast along with services like SEO, Ecommerce, video marketing, mobile marketing, content writing and PPC services in Northern Ireland
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Should I contact my ex girlfriend

New article Should I Contact My Ex Girlfriend covers whether you should contact your ex girlfriend in 3 different timeframes since your breakup. From the section on breakups more than a year old:

"What if you are well past the initial stages of a breakup? What if it already has been months or even years since you last had contact with your ex?

Let’s take the most extreme scenario first. If it’s been a year or more since you last contacted your girlfriend, honestly I think even if she hated your guts when you broke up, it’s okay to contact her now."

Read the rest...
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Win Back Lost Love From Long Ago

If you want to win back lost love that is from a long time ago there may be an uphill battle ahead for you. If you are like many, you have reached a point in your life that you realize that things might have been better for you if you had taken that other path. You thought the grass was greener on the other side and then realized that it was an illusion. You realize that the love you had a long time ago may be what you are missing. Here are some things to think about when you want to win back lost love from long ago.

First, make sure that there is nothing in your life right now that may missing out on. The mistake you may have made in the past was that you didn’t take advantage of the opportunities that you had at that moment. Make sure that you don’t make the same mistake again by missing out on something potentially good. If you hate looking back and thinking what you may have missed out on now, try to prevent it from happening again. It’s better having love now and to not have to try and win back lost love later because you were too blind.

Second, realize that they may have moved on. Just because you are discontent with your present and are longing for what could have been with the love from long ago doesn’t mean that they are. You could cause yourself and them more harm than good. If they are happy and content, let them be. If they have moved on, it’s a good sign that you should and not be concerned with winning back lost love.

Third, understand that people change over time. Things may have happened in both of your lives that may have made you very different people. Don’t do this to try and relive what once was. Try to win back lost love because you believe that your future will be better than your present and even your past with this person.

Fourth, start off slowly. If they aren’t expecting you to come calling and all of the sudden you are there constantly it may smell of desperation. You may be desperate and be somewhat obsessed about them but don’t let them know. Take your time and don’t let them know how badly you want them back, at least not for a while. Take the time to get to know them again and for them to get to know you.

Lastly, think forward, not backward. What matters now is moving forward. You can’t relive the past but you can make a future with this person. As much as you may want to go back in time, you can’t. You lost it because one or both of you didn’t make the most of chances you were given and you are doomed to repeat it if you don’t take advantage of today. If you have a chance to start this love over or get your ex back, make the most of the moment.
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How to forget about my ex girlfriend

Are you having massive troubles getting over your ex girlfriend? Do you still think about her all of the time and do you miss her like crazy? Do you wish that you could talk her into getting back together with you so your heart didnt have to hurt anymore? You know that things are over and that they wont be the same again and you need some help to get over her fast.

In order to forget about your ex girlfriend, there are some things that you shouldnt do. First of all, sleeping around with a bunch of women is a bad idea during this time in your life. Your heart is so fragile and you need to repair it before you do anything with anyone else. Sleeping around wont make you get over it and in fact; it might only make things worse. Youll look at this new woman before you and you will realize that is isnt your ex and you will spiral out of control. As well, you shouldnt start hitting on her friends or spending time with them. Even though you may have relationships with them, you have to go your separate ways now. You are just going to use her friends to get more information about her and that isnt healthy for you to do.

Now, there are some things that you should do so you can get over your ex girlfriend fast. A great thing to do is to remove any keepsakes or gifts that you may have from her. Even if it is that watch that she gave you, it has to go. These are just constant reminders about her and they inhibit your ability to get over her. You need to start fresh and new and the only way to do that, is to get rid of these gifts. You should also delete her from your phone and avoid talking to her at all costs. Even though you want to talk to her now, you shouldnt. Talking to her is only going to make it harder and it makes it harder to get over her. By avoiding communication with her and knowledge of what is going on in her life, you are able to forget about her faster and that is how you are going to move on with your life.

Getting over a break up can be really tough but by using these tips, you will be able to forget all about your ex girlfriend fast and you will be able to repair your broken heart and love life again.

If your ex girlfriend broke your heart then it is time that you mended it. Even though she is constantly on your mind now, you can forget all about her. You can stop thinking about your ex and be over her completely in less than 24 hours. To find out more about how to get over your ex girlfriend,

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To Win Back An Ex Avoid Making These Two Mistakes

Why is it sometimes so difficult to get your ex back?  No doubt youve tried your best to get your love back, but everything youve tried so far has ended in failure and now youre desperate and frustrated.

Well the real answer of why its difficult to win back an ex is really two fold.  The first point is that once youve been dumped by someone youre still in love with the balance of power immediately shifts their way.  The second point is that most people have no real idea what to do to successfully get back with someone they love and end up spending a great deal of time racing around doing all the wrong things.

Truth is, once your ex has the upper hand in a relationship you can find yourself forever trying to catch up to them and both of you know it. If your ex knows that you want them back often times they will make you work to get them back and they will often enjoy the drama of putting you through getting them back.  Plainly put, they have something that you desperately want and boy do they know it.

To get your ex back then, play it cool!  You dont have to declare straight away to your ex that you want them back.  You simply keep that intention to yourself and make every effort to distance yourself from them.
If youre reading this because you feel you know that your love is about to break up with you, then when the break up comes agree to it calmly and rationally and let them go.  Dont give them a clue that you desperately want them to stay.

When theyve gone, work at keeping yourself busy and occupied with other things that are not centered around your ex and your relationship.  Dont make yourself readily available to them to chat or do favors for them.  If they call, be polite, chat for a couple of minutes, but make it clear youre busy and have places to go.

Heres a warning for you!  Many people faced with trying to distance themselves from their exs simply cant do it!  They mistakenly believe that if they run around doing favors for their exs that their ex will see them as someone they need.  They think they will be able to prove and show their exs how much they love them by being there for them!  Wrong!  This seldom works because all that happens is that the ex either gets fed up with them hanging around in their life or the ex will start to take advantage.  So dont fall into that trap!

Keep your distance and what will begin to happen is that you will feel the power naturally swing your way and you will be in a far better position to get your ex back.
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