While to get your ex back or trying to do that it is going to be very obvious and easy to point out the mistakes that the other made. What is going to be harder is to point out the mistakes that you made. You have to look closely and see what it was that you did that either helped make the split possible but helped make the situation and relationship as bad as it got. You have to own up to your part in the ending of the relationship.
You have to own your own mistakes. You cant hide them. You cant cover them up. You cant make excuses for them. You cant sugar coat them. You cant pretend they arent there. You cant do any of that and have the reconciliation effort succeed. Pointing fingers is what caused the split to happen in the first place. Pointing fingers is not going to help getting back with your ex. You are only human. That point may seem obvious but in the attitude we take sometimes we may not show we feel that way.
In getting back with your ex, you have to realize also that your ex boyfriend or ex boyfriend or ex husband or ex wife you no longer want to be your ex. You have to understand that if you want them to be with you for the long term or for life you have to realize how special they are to you. They cant realize that if they cant feel that you think that. They have to know that you want to be with them. If you treat them like trash for the mistakes they made and hold it over their head they arent going to feel very special. The mistakes they made may have been bad but you need to let them know that you want to be with them anyway. They have to see from you that they are special enough to look past their faults.
Isnt that what you want? To know that even with all your faults that they love you still? What greater way is there than to show that to the person you want to be with? There is no other thing that is going to help them feel truly special. It doesnt excuse mistakes but it says that what you have together is bigger and better than what it was that tore you apart. To get your ex back means realizing each others humanity and loving each other anyway.
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